Remember!! MENTAL HEALTH is as important as PHYSICAL HEALTH!!
Mental health includes psychological, emotional and social wellbeing. There are certain myths related to mental health. Let’s end the stigma now. Challenges related to our day to day life survival have been increased. It’s been more than a year and still, we are struggling with this invisible virus. Second wave of Covid 19 pandemic has made fluctuations in mental health of the people.
An individual is said to be mentally healthy when he/she is able to cope up with their day to day life stressors and maintain his/her quality of life since mental health has a great impact on quality of life. This pandemic is changing the lives of people especially young adults and children.
Fear, anxiety and stress are normal responses to actual or perceived threat. Certain unknown situation triggers fear and anxiety even higher and may lead to stress further when an individual is unable to cope up with the situation he/she may experience depression.
During this pandemic, people are at higher risk of developing mental illness such as anxiety disorder, eating disorder, sleep disorder, depression, increased suicidal ideations, gadget, alcohol or substance abuse.
- Don’t be obsessive on news updates and panic.
- Take break from continuously watching, reading and listening to new stories.
- Gently follow all the preventive measure as per norms.
- Take care of your body. Eat healthy foods on time, maintain a well balanced dietary pattern, good and enough sleep, early to bed and early to rise, physical activities such as exercise, yoga, and meditation.
- Avoid excessive alcohol or substance usage.
- Get vaccinated as per directions.
- Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.
- If you are facing difficulties to cope up, do consult mental health professionals.
If you are struggling with your mental health during this pandemic, Remember, You are not alone.