COVID19 is a boon in disguise. The global pandemic has confined us to our homes. Or in some cases, it has drastically restricted the places that we visit. As a result, there is a huge amount of time that is available to most of us. It is important that we use this time in a purposeful way.
The lockdown and unlock periods can be properly utilized to improve our personality. No matter how great a personality you have, there is always room for improvement. Personality development is an exercise that gives lifelong value in return.
In the following article, we have highlighted 3 simple steps that help you to build a better personality. Follow the steps religiously and see the change in your life.
Lifestyle Modification is the Need of the Hour
Lockdown has created chaos all over the country and it has surely impacted our lifestyle. We have started to have random sleeping time and this has caused a huge imbalance in the natural rhythm of our body. It has made our sleep-wake cycle go bonkers.
The first order of things is to bring it to a balance. Sleep and wake at a fairly uniform time. Secondly, walk for at least 30 minutes a day. Walking alone has a very low chance of contracting COVID 19. So, change your lifestyle today.
Since the level of physical activity has decreased by a huge margin, our need for calorie intake has also come down. Eat food in moderation and eat only when you are hungry. Consuming the usual quantity of food can make you fat or obese.
Yoga – An All-Around Exercise for the Mind and Body
A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Yoga is an all-around activity that excites your whole body and provides the necessary exercise to it. However, starting yoga without proper guidance can be counter-productive. It can cause injuries to you and harm you more.
Get a proper yoga instructor who can help you to start this new practice. In today’s condition, yoga classes are being conducted online. Moreover, you can try doing yoga as a family or as a group. This helps you to beat the boredom of lockdown and also gives you a chance to interact with your friends and family.
Meditation – refresh and rejuvenate Your Mind
A calm mind paves the way for a confident life. When it comes to calming your mind, there is nothing better than meditation. It is a simple activity that can help you to stay away from the problems of your life and approach your life as a third person. This gives a lot of clarity to all your problems and challenges in life.
Moreover, meditation is easy to learn. Of course, mastering it requires hours and hours of practice. Unlike yoga, meditation can be easily learned and can be done at almost any time of the day. You can perform meditation from any place and there is no need for any equipment or environment. All you need is for you to sit calmly in a place and concentrate.
The simplest form of meditation is to notice yourself. Being mindful and aware of yourself is much complex than how it sounds. You have to notice the intake and exhalation of your breaths. This reduces the distractions of your life and draws you to a state from where you are concentrated only on a few things. This elevated level of attention helps you to see things clearly and approach all issues with certainty.
Following the above mentioned 3 simple steps goes a long way in providing a lateral shift in your personality. Lifestyle modification, yoga, and meditation can help you to become a better you. At Serene Life Hospital we have personality development training that helps you to improve yourself as an individual.