Healthy, Happy & a Serene Life Is Just A Call Away

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Psychiatric Hospital In Chennai

Your Top Psychiatric and Mental Health Care Destination in Chennai, Tamil Nadu!

Timely Intervention

At Serene Life Hospital, we provide timely intervention when it comes to aiding you, in your psychological recovery and wellbeing. We provide latest treatments and advanced therapies at our hospital.

Friendly Counselling & Care

we take pride in providing timely and friendly counselling session to all our clients that makes you feel comfortable during your recovery.

Periodic Follow-up

Serene Life Hospital provides periodic follow-ups which will help you to achieve complete freedom from all psychological diseases and conditions.


Our Happy Patient!

Serene Life Hospital is the best place to get treatment for psychiatric conditions. They help you to understand that psychological conditions and diseases are only DIS-EASE that is a temporary uneasy feeling. This helps you to get confident and feel free. From there, their constant care, friendly counselling and follow-up sessions help you to be free of all psychological worries and diseases. Thoroughly recommend the services of Serene Life Hospital for all psychological troubles.
Mrs. Amutha

Our Facilities

We provide expert care for all your psychiatric and psychological ailments and conditions throughout the year.

Serene Life Hospital boasts of a large number of Consultant Psychiatrists, Physicians and Psychologists and other trained mental health professionals.

Our trained caretakers and healthcare professionals provide round the clock care to help our clients in their recovery and wellness Journey.

Serene Life Hospital provides effective counselling services on outpatient basis for the needed people to come up with their daily life challenges.

Anxiety Management

Corona Virus Disease is gripping the whole world and it has wreaked havoc. The chaos that was created by the COVID has ruined many countries and businesses around the world.

5 Ways To Get Out Of Depression

Depression is a mental state in which the individual feels pessimistic about everything in life. The feeling of negativity is often coupled with a lack of interest in everyday activities of life. 

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